Our specialists in human resources will help you find the right people for your organization.
It doesn’t matter if your recruitment efforts in Romania are focused on the medical representatives or on the middle and top management. With our deep knowledge and relevant experience in the Romanian pharma market, we will identify the ideal candidate for the position you are trying to fill within your Romanian branch.
Our human resources services are complex and take into account every part of the recruitment process. More details on:www.hrprofile.ro.
We support companies in order to choose performing people for various levels of responsibility, either the recruitment efforts are oriented on the medical representatives or on the middle and top management.
GTS Solution can help you by a fast recruitment process, our database giving us the possibility to choose the right people requested by you. Our databases contain more than 25.000 curriculum vitae of professionals in the pharmaceutical area.
We target companies that need competent support in order to meet organizational necessities, taking into account the company’s vision, also understanding its culture, peculiarities and dynamism.
For more information, visit:www.hrprofile.ro
Personnel Leasing
GTS Solution will provide the persons you need without increasing the number of your employees.
Due to the efficient access to the information and its easy-to-use quality, our sales force renting service dedicated to pharmaceutical promotion contributes to a significant increase of effectiveness.
Staff leasing is an effective method of hiring for companies and an opportunity for employees.
GTS Solution's approach
- Provides to companies, for a certain period of time, qualified staff, either for entry-level positions, specialists, or for managerial positions.
- Provides staff for periods of more intense activity and seasonal activities.
- Provides logistical and administrative support necessary for carrying out leasing activity.
- Replacing permanent staff located in the medical leave, recreation and maternity.
- Support for the companies that perform organizational development projects.
- Availability of leasing contract for an unlimited number of people;
- Reduces costs involved in personnel administration;
- Takes over risks of recruitment or poor performance;
- Selecting from among the temporary staff of individuals with high potential and who have proven their worth, to become permanent employees.
Assessment Center
Personnel assessment is a prerequisite for an effective management of performance and competence.
I-SkillSuite's purpose is to create observable and measurable results, turning business objectives into behavior expected of employees..
The I-Skillsuite system used by our company to evaluate both individual and teams, will result in drawing up a psychological profile, determining the level of skills, identifying the degree of motivation. I-SkillSuite modules are designed as strategic tools for organizational processes.
Dictionary of skills
Includes general and specific skills (sales, IT, financial, leadership) validated for 5 levels of effectiveness. Behavioral indicators accompanying every level of competence are conceived by developments stages.
The assessment of employees can be made based on skills profiles adequate for the occupied jobs. There are provided evaluation reports that emphasize the competences oriented toward the performances and competences that need improvements.
Performance planning
Stimulates goal-oriented management, establishing performance plans and relevant skills that can be used. It allows managers to monitor the fulfillment of objectives by subordinates.
Can be developed personalized learning plans based on the identified needs after the skills evaluation, at the same time being identified the necessary resources. At every moment can be monitored and evaluated the achieved progress by comparison with the job profile.
Allows the constructions of interview guides by using behavioral questions associated with every level of competency. The established evaluation scale facilitates the selection between candidates by using similar benchmarks.
Our training programs are focused on practicing and developing the skills that participants can immediately use in their everyday activity.
GTS Solution builds specific training programs for the interested companies, which will obtain increased work efficiency and performance, increased group cohesion, accumulation of new knowledge.
Following the instructional program, participants will become able: to know, to do, to be.
GTS Solution provides a complete training schedule for the Sales Department and Marketing Department/p>
Sales Department
- sales skills
- presentation skills
- time management
- innovation and creativity
- negotiation skills
- social styles
- good promotional practices
- performance management
- target selection
- sales productivity process
- training for district sales managers: 3 models
Marketing Department
- marketing planning for an existing product
- evaluating and improving a marketing plan
- marketing research
- merchandising in pharmacies: 2 models
- promotional materials
- communication